Student Guidance and Testing Center

The Guidance and Testing Center of Makati Science Technological Institute, in its commitment to help the students attain self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-direction, and self-actualization, provides the following services.

Information Service. The Guidance Center provides a wide range of informative materials to orient students on the Colleges vision-mission, institutional goals, and other pertinent aspects of the school’s operations, operations, to assist them in planning their educational program effectively, and to help them solve their personal as well as their academic difficulties.

Psychological Testing and Assessment Service. Standardized tests are administered to  acquire data on the students’ aptitudes, intelligence, personality, habits, interests, and achievements in order to analyze and evaluate their functional skill and responsibility. This appraisal helps the students’ gain self-awareness and self-direction and development.

 Inventory Services. Student personal data are collected and recorded to serve as a ready reference on the students’ personal and academic history as well as their personality profile. Such information is most useful in routine interviews, case conferences, individual counselling, and as reference for the school’s alumni directory.

 Counselling Service. This service features provides an open-ended, face-to-face problem solving mechanism in which a student, with the assistance of a Guidance Counsellor, may begin to gain insight on, understand, and accept his problem and to make independent and realistic decisions on matters affecting his present as well as his future. This is also available to faculty members, non-academic personnel and parents.

School administrations, faculty members, non-academic personnel or parents are encouraged to refer to students to the Guidance Center for counselling as the need arises.

The Counselling services offered to the students take the form of individual, group, and intervention counselling.

Student Development Program. Seminars and workshop, training activities and symposia are conducted to enhance the students’ awareness on and understanding personality development, leadership, stress clarification, personality development and interviews, team building in organizations productivity improvement, career orientation and other pertinent issues.

 Research and Evaluation Service. This service feature involves the conduct of studies and their assessment as a tool for data presentation and possible development or innovation concerning various guidance services and activities. Likewise, this service shall provide information concerning student psychological test profiles and such other studies that employ statistical methodologies, questionnaires, interviews and other research tools.

Follow-Up Services. For the purpose of monitoring and control, the Guidance Center continuously evaluates its services and programs, cases, activities and studies. By keeping track of the activities as well as the adjustment and progress of the students, the Guidance Center is assured of favorable and fruitful results.

Placement Service. The service aims to provide the students with information regarding the world of work at the same time prepare them for the work after graduating from their respective courses. It has two aspects: Educational placement and Job Placement.

Educational Placement focuses on helping students decide which course best fits their interests, skills and abilities.

Job Placement on the other hand, helps the students become economically productive, as the Guidance Center prepares them for employment and assists them in finding suitable jobs after graduation.

The service includes the issuance of referral letters to the students and the alumni and the holding of job fairs for graduating students.